Monday, September 28, 2009

Too much for Twitter.

I'm really getting tired of Twitter. Those of you who follow me on there already know that I've been absent A LOT lately. A big part of the reason is that I'm a talker. Online, that translates into lengthy chatting sessions better suited to IM. Even when I just want to "tweet" my random thoughts, I'm too verbose to cram it all into 140 characters. They call it micro blogging. I call it restrictive.

What does that mean for you, dear follower? It means that my random thoughts will be posted here (yeah, yeah, I've said that before but i mean it this time!) Every now and then I'll update Facebook, but here is where it's at from now on. You can still catch me on AIM, Facebook or Google, if you want to chat. You can leave a comment here if you need that info. If you're on my Facebook you already have it.

Thank you for your understanding. I hope you will keep in touch.


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