Monday, November 3, 2008

Don't forget to vote!

Tomorrow is a very important day for our country. For me, it's exciting to see the possibility of real change on the horizon. It's no secret that our family supports Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and will move out of the country if they lose (kidding!). Seriously, though, please take the time to vote, regardless of your political leanings. It may be the most important ballot you cast in your entire life!

BTW, in case any of you missed it, I was interviewed by the Washington Post's Loudoun Extra. We were at Sarah Palin rally (seriously!), which was a short walk from our house.  In fact, her motorcade was parked approximately two blocks from our house.  I'm not a big fan of her, but it was still pretty cool. You can read the blog post here: Living In Loudoun County Blog

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